Privacy Applications Medialog POS and Medialog POS Order


The Application can be used in demo mode or in connected mode. When the User uses the application, data may be collected to facilitate technical monitoring and maintenance of the application. No data or personal information is transmitted.

Here is the nature of the data collected:

  • Anonymous usage statistics. The Application is connected to the Amplitude service, to count the number of users, the number of usage sessions, the average usage time, the different system versions and the type of device (iPhone, iPod, iPad). The user's personal information and device identifiers are not transmitted.
  • Technical information about the status of the Application. The Application is connected to the Firebase Crashlytics service, which allows any crashes of the Application to be automatically reported. This technical information includes in particular: the type of device, the version of the system, the amount of free memory, an indicator indicating whether an unofficial third-party system has been installed (so-called "jailbroken" device), the date and time of the crash, and indications related to the source code of the Application allowing the origin of the crash to be traced. No other information is transmitted.

    The data collected as part of the Medialog POS Application are strictly confidential. The Publisher undertakes to take all necessary measures to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data collected, in order to prevent their distortion or disclosure to third parties who do not have access rights.


    The data collected makes it possible to meet certain purposes:

  • Management of access to certain services (customization of services based on the characteristics of each individual),
  • Personalization of the Medialog POS Service,
  • The development of statistics.